Sunday, November 14, 2010

Howdy Ya'll

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Welcome to the Redneck River Shoppin' Network

RRSN Cast of Characters & Locations: (Names have been changed to protect the "innocent".)

Ma: is the only "normal" person in our family. On the other hand she chose Pa & they've been married for more than 50 years. I guess she didn't know she could get out of it; my condolences to her.

Pa: I'm actually happy he's my Pa; I'm not sure Ma would've taught me how to pee in the forest. Pa always told me "Leave of three, don't wipe your pee!"

Cletus: is the oldest Snodgrass boy.

Jethro: is the middle child, but somehow ma had him first. He taught me everything I know about river shoppin'.

Billie Joe: I'm the youngest child & host of RRSN.

Other friends will be joining our adventures along the way & I'll introduce them later. Some may not want to be introduced at all.

The Estate: At least that's what Pa calls it, is a 27 acre island on the Susquehanna River. Below are some pictures of the estate.

The Estate before April 1985

The Estate after April 1985

The Estate 2001 to present